Tag Archives: pen

#Inktober – Something for the Connoisseurs


Just some Poe fangirling.


I actually don’t hate this one. Yet. I tried, in my way, to recreate those old storybook illustrations. Maybe it needs more contrast. Maybe I need to stop looking at it.

And just for the record, here is my sketch, which I liked so well I was nervous to ink it. I could have gone in and darkened with a pencil, but that would have been cheating. It’s Inktober.




I KNOW I don’t have to tell you what it’s from.













Inktober – Painting Tonsils


Tonsil painting was a really remedy at one time. If you got a sore throat your parents painted your tonsils with Merthiolate, a disinfectant which has fallen out of favor due to containing toxic mercury. Oh, where have the good old days gone?

This picture is horrible, but for some reason I hate it less than the last one. I think it really captures the feeling of being sick and having to resort to painting your tonsils with heavy metals.















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