Tag Archives: digital art

Drawception is eating me alive


I have been consumed by Drawception lately. I should be more ashamed than I am.

It’s a waste of time, but it’s not an absolute waste of time. The fast-paced practice is improving my digital drawing and coloring skills. It’s also teaching me other things:

  • Concise communication
  • Lowest common denominators (modern archetypes) in language and symbols
  • Good character design
  • So many memes…
  • Where my extra time is in the day is (being obsessed, I find a way)
  • How my art stands in relation to others’





Yes, it’s 100% ridiculous. That’s the draw.
















A timid family of Blind Sniffers, taking turns sniffing a daisy. Notice their color-shifting camouflage, which, apart from their incredible sense of smell, is their most essential defense against predators. Sniffer steaks are best served with citrus, as they can taste quite gamey.

















I redrew that thing, this is what it turned into. I mentioned doing this in real ink, instead I drew it digitally, which is the most not-real ink of all. Except for disappearing ink. And that would have just been a waste of time. Question: what is the most not-real ink of all? Water!? *Mind blown*

Not sure how I’ll feel tomorrow but for now, I like it. I think this is a style I’ve been reaching toward but never fully realized until recently.















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