Tag Archives: Cartoon

Inktober: The Fiery Pits of Utopia


A friend asked me to illustrate her kid’s statement: “I’m going to start a comic strip called the Fiery Pits of Utopia. In the first episode, a nice devil guy is going to buy a doughnut.”

It’s just too perfect. Hell doesn’t get any fresher than this.

















I redrew that thing, this is what it turned into. I mentioned doing this in real ink, instead I drew it digitally, which is the most not-real ink of all. Except for disappearing ink. And that would have just been a waste of time. Question: what is the most not-real ink of all? Water!? *Mind blown*

Not sure how I’ll feel tomorrow but for now, I like it. I think this is a style I’ve been reaching toward but never fully realized until recently.















A nice peaceful lunch


I went outside into the courtyard at work to do some nice quiet pencil drawing, to regain confidence. My whole creative life is just one long interrupted battle with perfectionism. Why this should be, I don’t know. We’ll save that subject for a million whiny poems. But drawing in pencil is always easy, and a nice reminder that I can indeed draw.

It was very windy. My hair kept fluffing into my face. Normally I’d stick a pencil in there to hold it out of the way but, well, I was using it to draw. Minimalism has its pros and cons.


Just when the drawing started to come together and I started to sink into the Zone…



I nearly jumped out of my skin. A large empty metal trash can, the classic kind that I can’t believe people still make and use anymore, fell over right in front of me. The lid blew off and the bag, being empty, wind-socked out.

I decided to do the responsible thing and put it back. I was the only one in the courtyard, and who knows where that lid could blow. So I walked the trash can to a good snug corner and tried to put the lid on it. Had some trouble. The bag was so fluffed out and would not un-fluff. I eventually just gave up and forced the lid over the bag. It was at this point that I started to giggle.


(I know I just said I was a perfectionist. I vacillate back and forth between “not good enough” and “hell with it.” Guess which this doodle was.)

Slightly discombobulated, I sat back down to draw. WhoooOOOoOOOsh, said the wind. Pbptpbptpbt, said I with a mouthful of hair. The trash can remained firmly ensconced in its new corner, and said very little.

Behind me there was a loud, loud, gunshot CRACK.




So it wasn’t the whole tree but it sure sounded like it. The drawing is more or less to scale. The dialog is also accurate. It might not have hurt me a whole lot if it landed, but oh my bajeezus. That scared me good.

So… something didn’t want me to draw today. I went back inside where the angry gods couldn’t attack me anymore!

HAPPY EASTER YOU SONS A BITCHES! May God and nature smile kindly upon you and not send vengeful winds your way.













the drawing tablet helps part 2


The Hinoeuma asked me to feed the woman in this picture some cookies. I understand the sometimes overwhelming need to feed someone cookies, so I obliged on her behalf.




The woman is still disturbed, but now she’s kind of having mixed feelings, and at least it got her to sit down away from that eternally swirling sink. I’ll make sure she gets fed well from now on. I’m sure that enough cookies will fix her, given time.

Oh my gosh you guys, this took like four minutes to draw.  I get so tangled up when I try to draw digitally. I spent like an hour on the earlier image, which pretty much has the same amount of detail. SiGh













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