Tag Archives: leaves



I had a wonderful break. I’d tell you all about my awkward adventures but I have to catch up on work! O_O




everything is weightless here

rocks lift water

water supports leaves

a stick, hooked on a rock, held by the current, forever nods

creek cups air

air elevates clouds




trickling, wet plashes, and bloops

tender caressing breeze

leaves float downstream

leaves stick in gullies

leaves collect on the bank


i too sit weightless

being nothing is easy

i don’t mind the rocks underneath

neither do they mind me


the clouds in the sky


ever mixing, never blending

overwhelming blue

swallows us all

creek, rocks, sticks, leaves, and me


beyond the hill sounds Dragon Fire

a Heavy Breathing Hot Air Balloon

Inflates into view


guess nobody told them

they don’t need to try so hard

to float















The Fall


When Fall passes by

It brushes some trees on top

Some the bottom

Some the side.

Wherever a leaf has been touched

It quickly spreads.

The torch of Fall

Kindles all.

They go graceful, as nature wills

They go with fire, one last glory

Immolating the world.

There is beauty in destruction

And the trees glow with it.

Filtering sunfire

Into their own shade

Coloring the sidewalks



Baby green


With a farewell kiss

So light

Too soft for all senses

But sight.