Tag Archives: Charm

On Charisma


What is charisma?
Charisma is
Integrity of action
Integrity of word
Integrity of thought.
Charisma is
Knowing so fully who you are
That other people are entranced.
The only way to know yourself fully
Is to forget yourself fully.
The only way to forget yourself fully
Is to accept yourself fully
And to accept yourself fully
You must know yourself fully.

Animals have charisma.
Some people have animal charisma.
Some people have no charisma
(an unnatural trait found only in humans).
A whole person
One who is wholly and unapologetically himself
Has charisma.
You can learn diction, body language, all the right behaviors
You can learn to sing perfectly
Or to act, draw, write
Negotiate, debate, present
All of these things help
But people can sense what is real.
Your core should always be on display
Because it is the only part of you that matters.
What is charisma?
It is what you are.